Time to Recharge

By Brendan O’Meara

As with anything, sometimes the growth the comes when you step away and rest.

For instance, when you’re lifting heavy weights, you don’t grow during the workout; you grow when you’re sleeping, when you’re recovering, assuming, of course, you’re nourishing those muscles with the right kind of nutrients.

And isn’t that the perfect metaphor for this entire enterprise?

You stretch yourself, push yourself, but then you have to replenish the stores, fill back up. In our case, that’s reading, that’s watching good movies, that’s taking notes on things that inspire us, that’s actually going through and reading those notes, reading those Kindle highlights. That’s sleeping on it. That’s taking long walks. 

And maybe that means not writing for a day, or a week, or a month. 

I remember I was plateuing with my deadlift. I stopped deadlifting for an entire month and just swung kettlebells, 10,000 swings over the course of four weeks. I then re-tested my deadlift and PRed by 30 pounds, this after not deadlifting for an entire month.

What I’m saying is: stepping off that treadmill and stopping might be the best way to move forward.

So with that, I’m closing Vol. III of Casualty of Words. There are 47 of these little guys in this volume and many more from Vol. I and Vol. II. Check those out if you need a fix. Subscribe and share because I will be back after I do some more reading, do some more writing, and come back stronger than ever, another casualty of words.

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