Episode 381: Michael Finkel

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I think of my office as my big batter’s eye. In my peripheral vision, when I’m sitting at my desk, from left to right and all the way in front of me, I like blank walls. And then I’ll put all of my research behind me. It’s kind of a crazy thing. I have stacks and stacks of research that I can’t see unless I turn around and grab it. That fools me into the fact that I there’s like tabula rasa, there’s a blank slate in front of me and all my research is behind me. And that’s when I can really do my writing.

Michael Finkel, Ep. 381

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By Brendan O’Meara

Michael Finkel (@MikeFinkel) is here to talk about his new book The Art Thief: A True Story of Passion, Obsession, and a Monumental Crime Spree (Knopf). You could say this is a story of passion and obsession. It’s quite good.

Michael is an accomplished journalist and best selling author of The Stranger in the Woods and True Story.

His work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, The New York Times Magazine, and National Geographic.

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Episode 380: Wudan Yan

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“Narrative nonfiction journalists love to valorize over-reporting. And when you work for yourself, time is money.”

Wudan Yan, Ep. 380

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By Brendan O’Meara

Wudan Yan returns, this time to talk about The Vice of Spice for Undark. You can find her @wudanyan on Twitter and Instagram. Look it up, friend.

She’s also the co-host of The Writer’s Co-op Podcast with Jenni Gritters as well as a fact checker for books and podcasts and other stuff.

She had the piece coming out. She wanted to talk about it. I was like, sure, sounds good. Here we are.

In this episode we chat about her lack of a 3 a.m. (or 3 p.m.) voice, the valorization of over-reporting, efficient interviewing, and suspiciously golden turmeric.

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Episode 379: Alison Mariella Desir

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Another thing that I do, which is procrastination, but it’s also part of the process, is I’ll go for a run. And, of course, anybody who’s a runner who’s listening knows this, that’s when I often get some of my best ideas.

Alison Mariella Desir, Ep. 379

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By Brendan O’Meara

Alison Mariella Desir (@alisonmdesir) is a runner, activist, and author of Running While Black: Finding Freedom in a Sport That Wasn’t Built for Us (Portfolio).

A couple months ago I recommended Running While Black not only as a great read, but an important read. It gets into uncomfortable territory, but that’s what we need, it’s what we want, if we’re serious about inclusion, equity, diversity.

We start our conversation talking about procrastination and how running is part of Alison’s writing practice.

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Episode 378: Steven Moore

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I feel like I don’t understand an essay until I’ve ready it a few times.

Steve Moore, Ep. 378

Sponsor: Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you ordewith promo code “cnf.” Athletic Brewing Referral link, and use BRENDANO20 at checkout!

By Brendan O’Meara

Look who came back! It’s Steven Moore! He’s the author of The Distance from Slaughter County: Lessons from Flyover Country (UNC Press). Growing up in Iowa and spending the last several years on the west coast — many in Oregon — Steven toggles between when it meant to grow up in the midwest and the view from afar.

His essays range from riffs on the sitcom “Home Improvement,” Blockbuster Video, Shania Twain, Garth Brooks, and political coverage of a state that had voted for Obama, then flipped, you know, the other way.

Steven also is the author of The Longer We Were There: A Memoir of a Part-Time Soldier, which won the AWP Award for Creative Nonfiction.

In this episode we talk about:

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