Write a Thank You Note

By Brendan O’Meara

The people we admire are rarely farther away than a tweet or an email.

My suggestion is to find a way to thank this person with no expectation for anything in return (I mean, didn’t they create the art the inspires you? Isn’t that enough?).

If you can track down a mailing address (footer to a newsletter), write a thank you note.

If you can’t do that, send an email thanking them for the work.

If you can’t find an email, write a physical note, take a picture of it, and tweet it out or post to Instagram tagging them. Again, don’t do this for any reply, but do it from a place of genuine gratitude.

That sort of energy will ripple out. It’ll feel good. You’ll do better work. Then maybe someone, some time in the future, might send you a note thanking you for doing what you do.

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