Start Now

By Brendan O’Meara

This morning I was riffing in my journal and my final passage lamented how much I want to do just in writing. I have so many projects in my head, written down, everywhere, and trust me, they’re all genius.

With so much I want to get to, where do I start? And for that matter, where should you start? The answer is: Start. Pass Go.

We’re not in this for the short gain, the short cut, and the low-hanging fruit. No, we’re in this for the long haul. We want to be 70, 80, 90 years old still churning out art.

Your journal entry on the eve of your eventual death should say something to the effect of, “I can’t wait to keep working on that project.”

Play the long game. You have many ideas and it’s stifling to think of them all. Honestly, most of them are likely garbage and won’t live up to the perfect ideal in your head.

Doesn’t matter. Start now. Life is long. Start now. Keep going. Please.

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