Komparisons Kill

By Brendan O’Meara

Short one for Saturday. And this one I will most certainly revisit.

Comparisons are toxic.

I’ve written a little blurb about this for a literary journal that published an essay of mine. This topic strikes deep because I fell prey to this for a significant chunk of years. All it does is foster bitterness.

The quicker you embrace your path as distinctly yours, the freer you’ll be. All you can control is your effort. Maybe you’re not where you want to be. Maybe you look at so-and-so in your field and wonder why you’re not there. I know. I’ve done it.

Stop that now. I’m speaking from experience. And Marie Forleo articulates better than I can.

Before you watch the video, I’d ask you to subscribe to my newsletter and subscribe to the #CNF Podcast. It helps me to keep going on this path.
