A ‘New’ Kind of Search Engine

By Brendan O’Meara

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These days, the beauty of the Internet is the ability to ask a question and to have it answered as fast as you can type. There’s value and utility in this. Not to mention speed, something we’re all addicted to.

The search engine of the past was the elders or a network. And I’d challenge you to make a phone call to your dad before you look something up on YouTube.

There are myriad things that I could ask YouTube or Google (they’re the same, right?), but when it comes to handy matters, I text or call my father in law. I call it “Googling Doug,” but, more accurately, Doug is a search engine for a particular kind of expertise. Sure, I could type something into Google, but why not use the people you know as a kind of search engine? It’ll help your relationships and it’ll make the people you know feel useful, or of use. 

Who in your family, or friend circle, or network might have the answer to a question or the counsel you seek? Maybe before you ask Google a question, maybe Mom or Dad or Sibling or Colleague has the answer.

And if you’re lucky, you’ll be their search engine, too. 

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