Episode 248: Humble and Important Gifts with Bronwen Dickey

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By Brendan O’Meara

“My mind is a very bad neighborhood and I should not go there alone,” says Bronwen Dickey in her fourth trip to the podcast

She was here for Ep. 21, 45, 137 and now 248.

It’s always a good time when I get to catch up with her.

In this episode we riff about:

  • Aiming the arrow outward
  • Humble and important gifts
  • Journalism as an act of service
  • Social media
  • Index card systems
  • and so much more!

She mentions the books Wintering and How to Take Smart Notes and the documentary Still Bill.

I’m not usually a big fan of “conversational” podcasts as I think it’s audacious of the producer to think that he or she is so interesting that you merely listening to a couple people “bro it out” is going to be in any way entertaining. That said, I think we did a good job here chatting, but also giving you some things to chew on to make you better at what you do.

Please enjoy!

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