By Brendan O’Meara
You ready for a treat, CNFers? I’ve got Damon Brown for you this Valentine’s Day. Awwwww.
Damon has written several books, most self-published, but some not. His book Bring Your Worth is what prompted this conversation.
He’s in that vein of Jeff Goins, Austin Kleon and Chase Jarvis about how to get inspired to do your best work.
We met at HippoCamp 2019 and got to talking about a lot of the themes that you’ve come to love from this little podcast. Jeanette Hurt was also with us at the bar. Actually, I was with them since they’ve been creative partners for years and they co-talked a talk about earning money while you sleep. Passive Writer is the book they co-authored about it. Good stuff.
They were really sweet and attended my train wreck of a presentation. More on that another time.
Make sure you sign up for Damon’s newsletter, after mine 😉 and follow him on Twitter @browndamon.
That it? I think so.