Episode 368: Tyler Hooper

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My first rough draft is my outline. That’s what I’m learning about myself. My first drafts are very rough. It’s literally a dump from my head of what I want to say how I want to say it, how I think it should be structured.

Tyler Hooper, Ep. 368

By Brendan O’Meara

Hi there, CNFers, we’ve got Tyler Hooper (@thooper8) in the house to talk about his piece “The Titanic of the Pacific” for The Atavist Magazine.

Tyler cites the great Erik Larson as an influence and you can feel the pulse of that throughout this nautical-disaster piece about the sinking and tragedy surrounding The Valencia. Tyler writes a bit of the backstory at his Medium page here.

Tyler is a writer, podcaster, and storyteller living on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. He has a master’s degree in history and has worked as a journalist.

In this episode we talk about :

  • writing and citing
  • research and organizing (or not!)
  • Throwing it all in and editing it out
  • And setting up a good routine to knock out the words

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