I’m probably a poet on roller skates, to be honest, like, I don’t know how to shed that.
Maggie Smith
Maggie Smith is here! You might know her as a poet (@maggiesmithpoet), but you’re gonna love her as a prose-writing memoirist in You Could Make The Place Beautiful (Atria).
I was probably the only doofus who had never read her viral, wicked-famous poem “Good Bones,” the poem that turned a relatively anonymous maggie smith in MAGGIE FUCKING SMITH.
You Could Make This Place Beautiful is a line from that poem and it introduced me to her poem. There’s a good chance I’m the only jucket this side of the Rockies who hadn’t heard of the poem, but it’s an incredible poem and she’s an incredible writer and this conversation, I have to say, (as well as my parting shot), is incredible.
In this conversation, we talk about that nagging, toxic, disruptive 3 a.m. voice, adjusting to writer fame, breaking out highlighters to find the balance in a piece, and Maggie doesn’t know how to type? It’s true!
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