It’s that Atavistian time of the month! This time we speak with Madeline Bodin, a freelance journalist based out of Vermont.
Her piece “The Curious Case of Nebraska Man” is the story of a fossilized tooth that spurs the debate over evolution and creationism and, as often happens in this country, pins science into a corner where it must be defended again, again, and again.
In this pod, I also speak with editor-in-chief Seyward Darby. Sidebar: She has a new piece in The Guardian about abused beagles. Is there nothing she can’t do? Maybe play drums …
As always I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the Atavist at magazine.atavist.com. I get no kick backs, so it’s a recommendation that doesn’t benefit me in the least, but I suspect if there’s ever an uptick in subs Seyward will continue letting me be something of a partner with the Atavist.
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast, and you can always keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod. Or not … you know what’s better? Keep reading …
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