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By Brendan O’Meara
Ever have one of those friends who bails you out of jail? Me neither, but Kim H. Cross came pretty damn close because at the last minute she was willing to fire up the mics and head on down to CNF Pod’s digital HQ for her second time back to the show.
Kim is the author of What Stands in a Storm and The Stahl House. Her work has been anthologized by Best American Sports Writing (RIP) and Year’s Best Sports Writer (the phoenix!). Something about Kim: few people are more passionate about telling true stories than she is.
In this episode we talk about:
- Soundtracks to write to
- Idiosyncrasies
- Making sure there’s fun and play in writing
- Is there such a thing as originality?
- How to get back on track when your attention is splintered
- And more!
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast.
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