By Brendan O’Meara
How’s this for a pull quote from Jason Naylor (@jasonnaylor on Instagram):
How do you find your style? How do you find your voice. And the truth is, I think that you don’t find it until you stop trying to find it. You just make work. If you’re a writer, you just keep writing. If you draw, then you just keep drawing, and the more you do it, you start to see patterns, you start to see a rhythm in what you’re doing. And then one day you look back and you realize, ‘Oh, I actually I can see that I have a voice.’
How brilliant is that?
Jason Naylor is the artist behind the new book Live Life Colorfully: 99 Ideas to Add Joy, Positivity, and Creativity to Your Life (Chronicle Prism).
I think we can all use a little more of that, right?
This episode pairs nicely with Chase Jarvis, Austin Kleon, Emily Poole, Scott Campbell and Meichi Ng.
In any case, we dig into voice, creativity, finding that groove and how the streets ended up being his museum.
Great stuff!
If you’re feeling froggy, leave a review on Apple Podcast. Take a screenshot. Email me that screenshot and I’ll coach up a piece of your writing of up to 2,000 words.
And don’t forget to submit your best work to the summer issue of the audio magazine. Deadline is fast approaching!