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Kim H. Cross — the H stands for hell raiser … that’s not true, I don’t know what the H stands for — is back on the podcast to talk about her new book In Light of All Darkness: Inside the Polly Klaas Kidnapping and the Search for AMerica’s Child. It’s published by Grand Central Publishing.
Kim does not identify as a true crime writer, nor is it a sub genre of journalism that she ever wants to do again, but, as Kim says, this story found her and she set out to write the book of record on this Polly Klaas kidnapping from the earlyl 1990s.
So in this episode we talk about how she navigated having a family member at the heart of the investigating (her father in law) as well as:
- Minimizing harm and maximizing truth
- The ethics of writing true crime
- Being a human first and a journalist second,
- And the importance of setting up writing retreats for yourself
- Among other things.
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