Episode 284: Kim H. Cross on Scenes, Structure, and The Stahl House

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By Brendan O’Meara

Kim H. Cross is a freelance journalist, author, teacher, and mountain bike coach. Her latest book is The Stahl House: Case Study House #22: The Making of a Modernist Icon (Chronicle Chroma).

It’s the biography of a house and, in Kim’s words, the story of a blue-collar couple with white-collar dreams.

Kim also is the author of the best-selling What Stands in a Storm, and her work has appeared in The Year’s Best Sports Writing 2021, and myriad other places. Her piece for Bicycle Magazine about Leon + Noel (notice the palindrome, that’s significant. For analysis by Eva Holland of go here and for analysis of her 900-story for the New York Times by Chip Scanlan (a dream come true), go here.)

[SIDEBAR: In the introduction to the podcast I said that Chip analyzed her Bicycle Magazine piece. My bad.]

You can check out an excerpt of her new book at Vanity Fair.com.

Kim can be found on Twitter @kimhcross and on IG @kimhcross.

The show has a new Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast.

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