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Pete Croatto (@petecroatto on Twitter) is here to talk about freelancing, writing, and his new book From Hang Time to Prime Time: Business, Entertainment, and the Birth of the Modern-Day NBA (Atria Books, 2020).
Where’s the juice? Where’s the juice in the enterprise?
The juice is in coming up with an idea and convincing an editor that the idea is worth pursuing, convincing a person, selling a person on that idea. When I get an idea for a story, it’s almost a giddy feeling. It’s a feeling that that you have a secret that no one else knows about, so you want to just tell as many people as you can about that. It’s like gossip, it’s a big piece of juicy gossip, and you want to share it and get it in the right hand.
Pete Croatto from Episode 231 of The Creative Nonfiction Podcast
Pete is a CNFPod alum, going back to the early days, Episode 29, an interview that came out four years ago, so it’s great to have him back to see where he’s been and where he’s going.
In this episode we talk about the juice, showing his work in the book (he conducted well over 300 interviews) and adding that “ding” to a story. Making the extra call. Doing the work. Doggedness. I’m inspired and I hope you are, too.
Housekeeping alert! Keep the conversation going on social media, @CNFPod across the Big 3. If you have a moment, consider leaving a written review wherever you listen to podcasts. Or you may email one creativenonfictionpodcast at gmail.com and I’ll read it on the air and use it for promo material and such.
The Patreon page launched and you can check that out. If you really dug the idea of the audio mag on ISOLATION, you’re going to want to, at the very least, but a Tier 1 member. The magazine’s subsequent issues will be exclusive to the Patreon members. There will be two issues next year, so you’ll be supporting that and getting access to it. It’s like subscribing to a literary magazine. What a concept! And we’re not beholden to academic institutions. We’re beholden to this CNFin’ rock festival. Ooo, I like that.
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