By Brendan O’Meara
It’s The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to the best about telling true stories. Leaders in narrative journalism, doc film, radio, podcasting, essay, and memoir stop by Digital CNFPod HQ to talk about how they go about the work so you can apply those tools of mastery—if you so choose—to your own work.
Today I present to you Steve Brusatte (@SteveBrusatte on Twitter), author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of the Lost World. The entirety of the book is brilliant but the way Steve talks about T-rexes and the Asteroid are some of the most compelling reading you’ll come across.
What’s so great about this show is Steve’s passion for his work and the story behind the book, which is part serendipity, but more just how doing your THING, whatever that is over and over and over again SHOWING UP and what good things can come if that happens.
It’s what I like to say is BEING IN THE GAME. You can’t be noticed, you can’t be recognized unless you’re putting it out there. I love Steve’s passion and energy and I hope you do too.
Anyhoo…That ought to do it, friends. Consider leaving an honest review or rating on iTunes/Apple Podcasts and give us a shout @CNFPod and @BrendanOMeara on Twitter.