By Brendan O’Meara
“It’s natural to most people to be like this needs to be perfect before I put it out into the world, but I think when you take that element away, it allows such a new level of productivity and creativity.” —Alexandra DiPalma (@LSDiPalma)
This is the Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to badass writers, filmmakers, and producers about the art and craft of telling trues stories. I unpack their origin story, their rocky roads, their habits and routines, so you can improve your own work. Today you will get to know Alexandra DiPalma.
But first…
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I’ve done 130 of these podcasts starting incredibly raw with the most primitive ways of recording till now where I even have a boom arm to hold up the microphone.
Yet, yet…I ponied up some $200 to buy a podcasting class package from Creative Live (no affiliation) and in that bundle was a class by Alexandra DiPalma (How to Produce a Weekly Podcast), the brilliant freelance audio producer whose list of credits includes Food 4 Thot and Seth Godin’s Akimbo.
She also is the foreman of Seth Godin’s Podcasting Fellowship so you could say Alexandra knows her shit.
Alexandra DiPalma taught me a thing or two about producing a weekly podcast, something I’ve been doing for over two years, things like work flow, things like asking the right questions, defining success, promotion. The more you know, the more you realize you have no idea so you reach for a frothy IPA.
How’d you like that? Alexandra DiPalma (@LSDiPalma on Twitter), what can I say, she’s great and I know you’re gonna love this conversation as much as I did.
Be sure to follow her and her shows on Twitter. Hit her up on the internets and hit up the show @CNFPod and @BrendanOMeara. Facebooky is The Creative Nonfiction Podcast. Give us a follow, like the page, join our little community of badass true story tellers. Rising tides float all boats. Thanks, moon.
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