“The novel I always wanted to write didn’t have to be fiction.”
“What they gave women was pitiful.”
“Sure, you have everything on the tape recorder, but that’s the beauty of it and it’s up to me to be selective.”
“Transcribing is another point of getting this in your head.”
“I guess the lesson there is perseverance. Not giving up.”
Hey, CNFers, it’s The Creative Nonfiction Podcast the show where I speak with the world’s best artists about creating works of nonfiction. I try and tease out the origins and tactics from leaders in narrative journalism (like Susan Orlean), personal essay (like Elizabeth Rush), memoir (like Andre Dubus III), radio (like Joe Donahue), and documentary film (like Penny Lane), so you can apply their tools of mastery to your own work. Continue reading “Episode 73—Patsy Sims on Book Research as Mini-education, Not Giving Up, and “The Stories We Tell””