Episode 261: Wudan Yan and Jenni Gritters Talk All Things Coaching, Freelancing, and Mindset Monsters

Daniel Berman Photography
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By Brendan O’Meara

Wudan Yan and Jenni Gritters are back!

They host The Writers’ Co-op Podcast, and it is back for Season 3, a season in which they focus on coaching.

Lots of good stuff here including:

  • Why Jenni “left” journalism
  • Building confidence
  • Business plans
  • Mindset monsters
  • And freelancer archetypes

Follow Wudan and Jenni on Twitter, as well as @CNFPod, and learn more about them, their work, and their services at their websites.

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Episode 260: Jordan Michael Smith Spins a True-Crime Yarn for The Atavist

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By Brendan O’Meara

Jordan Michael Smith (@WriterJMS) stops by for this month’s extra podcast to celebrate his piece for The Atavist Magazine.

It’s called “The Snitch,” and details the story around the serial killer Scott Kimball, but, more specifically, the mistakes made by the FBI, thus turning this true-crime yarn on its head.

Jordan talks about:

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Episode 259: Lilly Dancyger on Building Community and Finding Her Father in ‘Negative Space’

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By Brendan O’Meara

Lilly Dancyger (@lillydancyger) is here to talk about her new book Negative Space. She also edited the collection Burn It Down: Women Writing About Anger.

Negative Space is a detective story as Lilly seeks out her father’s past. He passed away when she was a very young girl. He was a brilliant artists, but tortured by addiction.

Continue reading “Episode 259: Lilly Dancyger on Building Community and Finding Her Father in ‘Negative Space’”

Episode 258: The Saturation of Not Doing It with Brian Broome

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By Brendan O’Meara

Every now and again you read a book that blows your brains out. Brian Broome‘s (@bbromb) Punch Me Up to the Gods is one of those books.

It deals with identity, Black masculinity, shame, family, oppression, racism, and community. What a book, man, what a book.

We also dig into Brian’s writing process and how he goes about the work.

“I’m the queen of the run-on sentence,” he says.

And the grind of it all.

“I’m the queen of quitting,” he says.

Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/cnfpod for transcripts and for exclusive access to the audio magazine. Your dollars go into making the production possible and put money in the pockets of writers. Patrons also get a chance to submit questions that I ask of guests and coaching.

Sponsorship for this episode is brought to you by West Virginia Wesleyan College’s MFA in Creative Writing.

Promotional partner is HippoCamp 2021! Go register!

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Episode 257: From the Backside to the Vatican with Joe Drape

Joe Drape

By Brendan O’Meara

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Joe Drape is back to talk about his latest book, The Saint Makers: Inside the Catholic Church and How a War Hero Inspired a Journey of Faith.

Joe is a sports writer for The New York Times covering college football and horse racing, among other feature assignments.

In this episode we talk about diagramming stories the way you would diagram a sentence and

Joe is the author of several books including American Pharoah, Our Boys, and Black Maestro.

I want to give a shoutout to Hippocamp 2021! It is happening! Registration opens May 15. It’s a writers’ conference for CNFers like you. Check it out.

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Episode 256: G’Ra Asim and His Mixtape to His Brother ‘Boyz in the Void’

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By Brendan O’Meara

G’Ra Asim is the author of Boyz in the Void: A mixtape to my brother (Beacon Press). He’s @notjadedpunk on Instagram.

He’s a punk rocker and a killer spinner of yarns. It’s a fantastic book on “navigating Blackness, masculinity, and young adulthood: all through wry social commentary and a music/pop culture critique.

We talk a lot about the DIY nature of art, punk rock, straight-edge culture and why he chose to write this book to his younger brother.

Strap in for a fun one, CNFers.

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Episode 255: Maddy Crowell and the ‘Invisible Kid,’ Plus The Atavist Gets a New Look

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By Brendan O’Meara

Maddy Crowell comes by the show to talk about her new piece for The Atavist Magazine titled “Invisible Kid.”

I also speak with Jonah Ogles, the lead editor of this piece, and Ed Johnson, the designer who led the way in the redesign.

This episode is packed with goodness, much like its Atavistian predecessors in Scott Eden, Phil Hoad, and Lindsay Jones.

Consider subscribing to The Atavist and its once-a-month blockbuster piece of narrative nonfiction. Once a month, can’t beat it … sounds like my newsletter!

Anyway …

We dig into a lot of might juice, and I hope it brightens up your day and wherever you are on your writer journey.

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Episode 254: Elena Passarello on Weird Freelance Work, Podcasting, and Oatmeal Brain

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By Brendan O’Meara

A great pleasure to welcome back Elena Passarello to the show to talk about … jeez … just about everything.

This was very much a shoot-the-shizz pod, but when it comes to Elena, there are few people you’d rather be listening to. So if you dug episodes with Bronwen Dickey and Peter Brown Hoffmeister, you’re in the right place, CNFers!

Continue reading “Episode 254: Elena Passarello on Weird Freelance Work, Podcasting, and Oatmeal Brain”

Episode 253: Julie DiCaro Won’t Be ‘Sidelined’

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By Brendan O’Meara

Julie DiCaro came by the show to talk about her new book Sidelined: Sports, Culture, and Being a Woman in America.

It’s a fine read, written by someone who definitively has something of value to say. You can find her on Twitter @juliedicaro.

It’s an engaging, entertaining, and sobering read about feminism and the sorry state of women’s representation in sports journalism.

Continue reading “Episode 253: Julie DiCaro Won’t Be ‘Sidelined’”

Episode 252: 60 Songs that Explain the 90s … and The Ringer’s Rob Harvilla

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By Brendan O’Meara

Rob Harvilla (@harvilla), a Ringer staff writer and the mastermind behind the Spotify Original 60 Songs that Explain the 90s, comes by the show to talk about the flannel-clad 90s. As an aside, most of my wardrobe is flannel. I still wear some of my old flannel from this time. Anyway …

His podcast is great, especially if you love the 90s or came of age in the 90s, as I did.

So you know we dig into some of the great 90s vocalists, what these songs say about the 90s and Rob, and also how this podcast is actually stealth memoir over music criticism.

Hope you enjoy it. If you do, consider linking up to the show and tagging it @CNFPod. And if you want access to forthcoming audio magazines and want to support that endeavor (and pay writers!), head over to patreon.com/cnfpod.

Brendan’s Monthly Newsletter: First of the month! No spam! Can’t beat it!

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