Episode 156: Sonya Huber—Creative Infidelities

Photo credit: Sonya Huber, one presumes

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By Brendan O’Meara

“I think that’s why people stop writing: the not knowing what you’re doing feels so terrible.” —Sonya Huber (@sonyahuber)

Hey…hey, you, how are you?

Sonya Huber is here. She’s the author of these five books:

Pain Woman Takes Your Keys and Other Essays from a Nervous System
Opa Nobody
Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir
The “Backwards” Research Guide for Writers
The Evolution of Hillary Rodham Clinton

Be sure to subscribe to the show wherever you get our podcasts. If you leave a review of the show, I’ll coach up a piece of your writing of up to 2,000 words. Write the review, take a screenshot when it posts, email me the screenshot, and I’ll reach back out and get going.

Keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod or Facebook or Instagram.

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Episode 155: T.D. Thornton—Horses, Cons, Boxers, Oh, My!

“You can persevere and you can grind, but you have to get lucky at times.” —T.D. Thornton (@thorntontd on Twitter)

“You have to churn out some bad writing to get to good or excellent writing.” —T.D. Thornton

By Brendan O’Meara

T.D. Thornton is a journalist and author.

He wrote Not By a Long Shot: A Season at a Hard-Luck Horse Track and My Adventures with Your Money: George Graham Rice and the Golden Age of the Con Artist.

Consider buying one, or both.

This was a fun conversation and I hope you dig it, and I hope you share it across your networks. Maybe encourage your pals to subscribe.

Join me on Twitter @CNFPod and Instagram @cnfpod to keep the conversation going.

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Episode 154: Julian Smith—Pitch Clubs, Falling in Love with the Work, and Aloha Rodeo

By Brendan O’Meara

“The more you can immerse yourself in a story the better you can write about it.” —Julian Smith (@julianwrites)

“You gotta fall in love with your subject and sometimes people have to pull you out.” —Julian Smith (juliansmith.com)

Julian Smith is a freelance journalist covering science, conservation, and adventure for publications like Smithsonian, Wired, Outside, Men’s Journal, National Geographic Traveler, and The Washington Post.

He co-authored Aloha Rodeo with David Wolman, a fellow journalist he worked with before on this Epic Magazine piece about two warring ice cream trucks. It’s…epic.

Julian is also the author of Crossing the Heart of Africa and Smokejumper.

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Episode 153: Amanda Petrusich—Clinging to Tiny Victories, Letting the Process Sustain You, and Wet Jeans

Amanda Petrusich is on the main stage for Episode 153.

By Brendan O’Meara

“The work itself, the process has to sustain you.” —Amanda Petrusich (@amandapetrusich Twitter)

“It’s like wet jeans, that’s the feeling of generating a bunch of crappy writing.”—Amanda Petrusich (@amandapetrusich IG)

Amanda Petrusich, staff writer for The New Yorker, joined me for a spirited conversation about her approach to writing criticism and the grind she endured to get where she’s at.

It was this great piece she wrote on Metallica that made me want to reach out to her. The way to this man’s heart is through Metallica.

Be sure to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts and wherever else you get your podcasts. Keep the conversation going on Twitter @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod. Instagram: @cnfpod. Facebook The Creative Nonfiction Podcast.

Books by Amanda

Don’t Sell at Any Price
It Still Moves
Pink Moon

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Episode 152: Philip Gerard—Fiction, Nonfiction, and the Writer’s Magical Combination

Philip Gerard returns to the show to talk about his latest book The Last Battleground.
Photo credit Alan Cradick

“For a writer, ignorance and curiosity are a magical combination.” —Philip Gerard

“I always tell my students if you can’t find it, you don’t have it.” —Philip Gerard

By Brendan O’Meara

Hey, CNFers, I’m thrilled to welcome back Philip Gerard. Philip joined me nearly 120 episodes ago and it’s great to have him back to talk about his latest book The Last Battleground: The Civil War Comes to North Carolina (University of North Carolina Press, 2019).

His historical novel, Cape Fear Rising, is celebrating its 25th anniversary, so we dive into that as well. It is published by Blair.

Philip is also an accomplished musician and recorded this song and video as a trailer for The Last Battleground. Check it out:

Be sure to subscribe to show, CNFers, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. I make this show for you, so I’d deeply appreciate it if you shared it across your social channels. If you have a spare moment, leaving a rating or review helps with the show’s packaging. Helps validate the entire enterprise.

You can join me on Twitter @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod, Instagram @cnfpod, and Facebook @CNFPodcast. If you tag me or the show I’ll be able to give you digital fist bumps.

Books by Philip Gerard

Too many to list! So visit this link to browse.

Episode 150: Ian Frisch—A Good Idea Knows No Age

Ian Frisch, author of Magic is Dead, hopped on the show.

By Brendan O’Meara

Quotables by Ian Frisch (@IanFrisch and @Ian_Frisch)

“That’s what makes a great story is having character, and setting, and narrative moments and dynamic change.”

“I’m not really just there for the information. I want to be able to understand a character and their motivations and their experience on a deeper level.”

“A good idea knows no experiences level or age.”

Well, here are CNFers, this is CNF, the creative nonfiction podcast where I speak to badass artists about the craft of telling true stories.

Ian Frisch, a master a freelancer and author of Magic is Dead, joins me this glorious CNFriday.

There’s so much great freelancer wisdom in this episode. I know your’e gonna dig it.

Ian mentions how great Patrick Radden Keefe’s Say Nothing and David Grann’s The White Darkness are. Not to mention Bill Buford’s great New Yorker piece on chocolate.

Ian is a prolific writer and his work can be seen here, so I hope you’ll check out his work. It’s an impressive collection.

Be sure to keep the conversation going on Twitter @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod. You can always follow along on Instagram @cnfpod and on Facebook on the podcast’s page.

Enjoy the show!

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Episode 149: Anika Fajardo—Writing is About Communicating

Anika Fajardo, author of Magical Realism for Nonbelievers, stopped by CNF.

“Part of me thinks nobody should write a memoir.” —Anika Fajardo (@anikawriter on Twitter)

“Writing is about communicating, so that’s why we have to send things out. There needs to be a point where it goes out in the world and we communicate with a reader.” —Anika Fajardo (@anikawriter on IG)

By Brendan O’Meara

Here we are again friend. I’m in the midst of rebranding so you’re listening to CNF, the show where I talk to badass writers, filmmakers, producers, and podcasters about the art and craft of creative nonfiction.

Today’s guest is Anika Fajardo, the author of Magical Realism for Nonbelievers: A Memoir of Finding Family (University of Minnesota Press, 2019).

It’s in the same class as Jean Guerrero’s Crux, in my opinion. You can check out Jean’s episode here.

In any case, I hope decide to subscribe to CNF wherever you get your podcasts. And if you’d be so kind, I’d appreciate a rating or review over on Apple Podcasts. They help validate the show.

Also, keep the conversation going on Twitter by joining me @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod. Tag the show and I’ll jump in the fire. It’s all good.

I think you’ll get a lot of tasty nuggets out of this episode. I hope you enjoy it and you share it widely with your CNFin’ friends!

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Episode 148—Jericho Brown on Discipline, Burpees, and How Poets Are a Special Kind of Nerd

“I don’t have destinations in mind. I always have experiences in mind.” —Jericho Brown (@jerichobrown)

“A poet is a special kind of nerd.” —Jericho Brown

“Everything I am, I am all the way.” —Jericho Brown

By Brendan O’Meara

Hey, CNFers, I’m Brendan O’Meara and this is The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I talk to badass writers, filmmakers, radio producers, and podcasters about the art and craft of telling true stories. I try and chart their journeys through the arts and reveal how they deal self-doubt, anxiety, and still manage to get the work done.

Be sure to go subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Oh, and I’m doing the thing again, that thing that where I offer editorial coaching of up to 2,000 words of your writing in exchange for a review on Apple Podcasts. Post your review. They take up to 24 hours and email me creativenonfictionpodcast at gmail dot com with a screenshot of the review and i’ll reach out and help out with a piece you’re working on up to 2,000 words, a $150 value.

Okay, so I’ve got the amazing, incomparable and, jacked Jericho Brown. Here’s a little bit about Jericho, whose new book, The Tradition, published by Copper Canyon Press:

Jericho Brown is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, and the National Endowment for the Arts, and he is the winner of the Whiting Writer’s Award. Brown’s first book, Please (New Issues 2008), won the American Book Award. His second book, TheNew Testament (Copper Canyon 2014), won the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award. His third collection is The Tradition (Copper Canyon 2019). His poems have appeared in The Bennington Review, Buzzfeed, Fence, jubilat, The New Republic, The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Paris Review, TIME magazine, and several volumes of The Best American Poetry. He is an associate professor and the director of the Creative Writing Program at Emory University.


If you want to read poetry that knocks the wind out of you, read Jericho.

There are some episodes of this show when I realize I’m dealing with someone who is a damn good talker. Quotes pour out of their mouths. Elena Passarello comes to mind, Dinty Moore, Hope Wabuke, Elizabeth Rush, Bronwen Dickey, and Jericho is right up there, man.

This is one of my all-time favorites as we approach 150 of these things. We talk about his exercise routine, how poets are a special kind of nerd, experiences over destinations, his invented poetry form the Duplex, discipline, and so much more.

You’re gonna want a notebook, man.

Go follow Jericho on Twitter @jerichobrown and keep the conversation going with me @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod on TWitter. IG is @cnfpod and Facebook is The Creative Nonfiction Podcast. Email the show creative nonfiction podcast @ gmail dot com and maybe I’ll read it on the air.

Share this show with a friend. You are the social network. I can tweet out a show all day long, but it comes down to you, friend. Rage against the algorithms.

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Episode 147—Meredith May on What Cracked Open Her Memoir, Nature as Parent, and Bees, Lots of Bees

Meredith May, author of The Honey bus (Photo Matthew May)

“The pleasure of reading a book is that it’s reciprocal.” —Meredith May (@meredithmaysf)

By Brendan O’Meara

How are you, CNFers? I’m Brendan O’Meara and this is The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to badass writers, filmmakers, producers, and podcasters about the art and craft of telling true stories, chart their journey through this crazy world and offer a few tips along the way to help you get the work done.

Be sure to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts and follow me and the show on Twitter @BrendanOMeara and @cnfpod. You can follow the show on Instagram too where I post some great quote cards and audiograms from the show’s deep bench.

If you’re feeling friendly, please leave a review or a rating on iTunes. I’d love to see it reach 100, but it’ll take you. It’ll take you going that extra mile for you buddy BO. You know I love you for it.

This week I have Meredith May (@meredithmaysf across all the socials). She is the author The Honey Bus: A Memoir of Loss, Courage, and a Girl Saved by Bees. She also wrote I, Who Did Not Die: A Sweeping Story of Loss, Redemption, and Fate.

Okay, so Meredith May is here to talk about her career and her new book. She was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize for a long feature she wrote back around the time of the second Iraq War for the San Francisco Chronicle. We talk about the toxic nature of the competition Olympics, and how writing about someone else in another book cracked open her memoir for her.

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