Tweetables by Noah Strycker (@noahstrycker on Twitter and Instagram):
“I had to be pretty brutal about picking out the things I thought were the highlights. 3 1/2 weeks in Columbia was distilled to one or two sentences.”
“The momentum generated its own momentum.”
“I’m not a very fast writer. If I write 500 words in a day I’m pretty happy.”
“My best advice to people who want to write in any capacity. Just do it. Get started. It doesn’t matter where you’re published.”
My guest today for Episode 86 of The Creative Nonfiction Podcast is Noah Strycker, author of Birding without Borders: An Obsession, A Quest, and the Biggest Year in the World. [Free shipping anywhere in America! via Tsunami Books!] Continue reading “Episode 86—Noah Strycker on his Big Year in Birding, Community, and What to Leave Out”