
Kevin Wilson, the great and wise hitting instructor, has a great daily email. It’s an inspiring quote, sometimes from him, sometimes from somebody else. The one that stuck out to me recently was this:

Never judge a day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow. – Buzz Williams

Now, I’m a freelancer, and the basis of freelancing is sending out the dreaded query letter. These are seeds.

A giant maple tree doesn’t make one helicopter seed in the hopes it takes root. It makes thousands and thousands and maybe a fraction germinate.

Sending out seeds, or queries, it’s all a numbers game. You need more plate appearances to get hits. Pick your metaphor, but if you’re in a rut, be honest: how many seeds are you sending out into the air? Can you send out 10% more per week?

I guarantee the work will start. More swings, more seeds, more hits, more trees.

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!: Once a Month. No Spam. Can’t Beat It.

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