Delayed Onset Manuscript Soreness

By Brendan O’Meara

I’m sure you’ve heard of this: DOMS. It stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

You work out hard on Monday and you’re a little sore Tuesday, but you’re really sore Wednesday. You went so hard Monday that the next two days are a waste and you lose all that momentum.

Better to take smaller chunks to sustain it over the long haul.

This notion piggybacks off of the post I did about doing creative work for 20 minutes a day. By doing a little work, you keep from burning out, or getting sore.

We’ve all had days where we hammer, maybe write 5,000 words, but I know I’m worthless for a few days after that. For my money, I’d rather do that little bit and come back the next day in the gym and keep progressing toward my goal.

This way I come back energized and unbruised, day after day.

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