Tiny Revolution

By Brendan O’Meara

Nowadays our attention is taxed.

Algorithms are designed to lock us into the constant scroll.

I realize this even as I try and write/record a blog post that I hope people will read and enjoy.

But you don’t have to go too far back in time to remember the days when phones were attached to walls with spiraled cords that always got tangled.

The only ping notification was when the phone rang and you had to get up and walk to the wall and pick it up.

Mobile devices are great in so many ways, but I think employing an old-school filter to the smartphone is an act of revolution. Put the ringer on, but put it in a different room. Bring it with you in the car, but leave it in the console as you run your errands.

Once untethered, it no longer becomes the candy fix that it is, a kind of burden lifts.

This is by no means original, but it might be worth a try. You may find you’ll get more work done. Or maybe you’ll simply take pride in your tiny revolution.

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!: Once a Month. No Spam. Can’t Beat It.

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Paper Habits

By Brendan O’Meara

A great way to step up your re-writing or editing game is to print things out.


Well, when you print things out you have something in hand, plus when you take out your colored pen and make an edit, it doesn’t disappear. You see the old way beside your note for the new.

In a sense you’re archiving the old draft while tinkering. The best way to learn is by seeing your old work and when you delete or make changes on the computer, it’s gone and all you’re left with is the edit.

Plus, by looking at cold, hard ink over pixels, you give your eyes a rest. The paper doesn’t ping with a Twitter notification or an email.

And an edit without proper context doesn’t teach you anything and it doesn’t show the great progress you’ve made over time.

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!: Once a Month. No Spam. Can’t Beat It.

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Stop Fearing the Blank Page

By Brendan O’Meara

Why the fear of the blank page? All the time you hear writers lament that the blank pages gives them all kinds of anxiety.

It’s time to rethink the blank page for what it is: a new beginning.

Don’t be paralyzed by the whiteness of it all. Don’t look at the taunting cursor. Flip the script.

It might sound cool to lament about the struggle, how crippling all those possibilities can be. Because it’s blank, it can be horrible or it can be great or somewhere in between, but you’ll never know unless you start.

It probably will be bad, but pros show up to work.

That blank page is a gift, man, a freakin’ gift.

It can be anything, so let it.

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!: Once a Month. No Spam. Can’t Beat It.

View previous campaigns.