Build a Wall Around Social Media

By Brendan O’Meara

Maybe we’ve all been fooled that we even need social media, but if you do think you need it—and I think I’m one of those people—I’d love to share a new practice that I think is working…for me…and maybe it’ll work for you.

I’m allotting thirty minutes before noon and thirty minutes after noon for any and all social media.

This way there is purpose. In that time I schedule the tweets, post quote cards and audiograms to Facebook and Instagram, and maybe scroll a little bit to see what my writer pals are up to.

Then I shut it down until later in the day.

After reading Jenny Odell’s How to Do Nothing, it’s made me think about the use of social media. Putting parameters on it gives me a better sense of control when you know those for-profit social networks are algorithmically designed to control you.

Like Seth Godin says, if the product is free, you are the product.

Set a timer. Thirty minutes. Go.

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