On Laziness

By Brendan O’Meara

I’ve wondered about this a lot lately. Am I lazy? Sometimes I feel like it because it doesn’t feel like I’m accomplishing a whole lot.

Maybe you feel this way too.

And what makes me really drill down on it is watching Chef’s Table on Netflix, specifically the episode with Christina Tosi. She’s a work horse and before she made a name for herself, she worked all day. Long days.

Then, in her spare time, late a night, she’d noodle with recipes: this after cooking all day. This is how she came up with some of her most innovative and groundbreaking ideas.

This is hard work. This is the extra mile so few of us are willing to take.

Looking outside my genre of interest makes me see what hard work is. I see it in people like Tosi, the obsession, the drive, the passion.

We then have to ask ourselves at the end of the day: Did I do enough? Did I push myself? If Netflix ran a docuseries on my life, would it look like that? Because that’s what it takes to make it.

Let that be the wake up call. See how they work and overlay those habits to your craft. These people weren’t anointed. They did the work, far more than we give them credit for, and we’re likely doing far less work than we should.

So, let’s go, let’s get to work and make our mark.

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