Hack is a Four-Letter Word

By Brendan O’Meara

I’m gonna come right out and say it: I hate the work “hack.”

Hack is a four-letter word.

To quote Jocko Willink from his book Discipline Equals Freedom

“People look for the shortcut. The hack. The shortcut is a lie. The hack doesn’t get you there. And if you want to take the easy road, it won’t take you to where you want to be.”

We’ve always been consumed with getting things faster without callusing our hands and enduring discomfort.

These days people want the hack before they even encounter hardship, the cliff notes without reading the book. Enough is enough.

Hacks aren’t for us because we’ll gladly take the long road. The one with potholes. The one with dirt. The one the GPS has to constantly recalculate.

Forget the hack and relish the long, hard road. Think … for a minute … the artist you’ll be on the other end when you eschewed the hack and cut no corners.

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