Episode 435: Seth Godin Travels at the Speed of Trust in ‘This is Strategy’

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By Brendan O’Meara

What a treat to have Seth Godin back on the podcast, his third CNFin’ rodeo. He’s here this time around to talk about his latest (as of 2024) book This is Strategy: Make Better Plans (Author’s Equity).

It’ll make you think. Like … it’ll MAKE you think, if you follow me.

Continue reading “Episode 435: Seth Godin Travels at the Speed of Trust in ‘This is Strategy’”

Episode 433: The Perils of Playing it Safe with Chase Jarvis

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By Brendan O’Meara

What a joy to have Chase Jarvis (@chasejarvis) back on the show. He is the author of Creative Calling, and his second book is Never Play It Safe: A Practical Guide to Freedom, Creativity, and a Life You Love (Harper Business). It’s available wherever you buy books, and if you head to https://chasejarvis.com/never-play-it-safe/ you can get some bonus materials. Trust me. You’ll want them.

Chase was the founder of the pioneering online learning platform Creative Live. He sold the company, and that catalyzed an entirely uncertain path. The book tracks that journey as he embodies the message at the core of the book that playing it safe is most dangerous thing we can do … creatively speaking. Not, you know, cycling without a helmet or courting disaster down a dark alley.

Continue reading “Episode 433: The Perils of Playing it Safe with Chase Jarvis”

Episode 373: Seth Godin

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Honey is not the purpose of a hive. Honey is a sign that the hive is functioning well.

Seth Godin, Ep. 373

Sponsor: Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order with promo code “cnf.”

Athletic Brewing Referral link, and use BRENDANO20 at checkout!

By Brendan O’Meara

What a treat! Seth Godin returns, this time to talk about leadership in his new book The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams (Portfolio).

Seth talks about leadership vs. management and also how we develop leadership like a muscle. There’s a tension when someone wants to lead, but maybe doesn’t know how for fear of failure, fear of rocking the status quo, fear of judgement. Seth makes the impossible feel possible. It was a thrill and honor to spend some time with this wonderful person.

Continue reading “Episode 373: Seth Godin”

Episode 301: Debbie Millman

Photo credit: John Madere
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Sponsor love: West Virginia Wesleyan College’s MFA in Creative Writing

By Brendan O’Meara

Can you believe it? Debbie Millman has returned the CNF Pod main stage with a new album book called Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World’s Most Creative People (Porchlight Books, 2022).

Debbie might be most known for her incredible work in branding, where at one point or another in her illustrious career she had “touched” roughly 25% of most things on the grocery store shelves. She worked on Burger King’s logo, Tropicana, Twizzlers, and more.

But I know Debbie because of her amazing podcast Design Matters. It started in 2005 and has developed over the years to be one of the greatest interview shows in the podcast-o-sphere. As you know, there are quite a bit.

There are two faces on Mt. Podmore and it’s Debbie Millman and Joe Donahue. That’s it.

Continue reading “Episode 301: Debbie Millman”

Episode 239: Alexandra DiPalma Leads the Podcast Workshop

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By Brendan O’Meara

So excited to have the one and only Alexandra DiPalma back on the show to talk all things podcasting.

She leads the Podcast Workshop, a part of Akimbo Workshops, and in it you’ll learn what it means to find your voice and develop skills that will translate to other areas of your life and career.

If you follow this link ===> THIS ONE <=== you’ll get pretty slick discount. I’m not sure when it expires, but check it out.

Continue reading “Episode 239: Alexandra DiPalma Leads the Podcast Workshop”

Episode 227: The Futility of Reassurance and Being on the Hook with Seth Godin

Seth Godin Photo credit: Darius Bashar and Archangel

By Brendan O’Meara

“That’s what the practice is. It’s for people who have read enough blog posts or books to know the method, but for whatever reason look straight at the method and blink,” says Seth Godin.

Seth is the author of twenty books and I’m thrilled to celebrate his latest book, The Practice: Shipping Creative Work.

It’s an incredible book and the book we need for these distracting and troubling times. You’ll want to pair this book with The Dip and This is Marketing. And Linchpin.

You’ll want to keep the conversation going on social media, @CNFPod, across the Big Three.

Signing up for the my monthly newsletter is where it’s at! Reading recommendations, writing tips, and news from the podcast. I hosted the first CNFin’ Zoom Happy Hour for newsletter subscribers. If you want to come to the next one, subscribe! Once a month. No spam. Can’t beat it.

If I’ve made something worth sharing, I hope you you’ll considering linking up to the show on social media. And if you have a moment, leave a kind review on Apple Podcasts.

OK, that’s it, friend. Please enjoy.

Episode 130—Alexandra DiPalma and the Podcast Revolution

Alexandra DiPalma, seen here on the set of her amazing Creative Live course.

By Brendan O’Meara

“It’s natural to most people to be like this needs to be perfect before I put it out into the world, but I think when you take that element away, it allows such a new level of productivity and creativity.” —Alexandra DiPalma (@LSDiPalma)

This is the Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to badass writers, filmmakers, and producers about the art and craft of telling trues stories. I unpack their origin story, their rocky roads, their habits and routines, so you can improve your own work. Today you will get to know Alexandra DiPalma. 

But first…

Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and wherever you get your podcasts. Visit brendanomeara.com to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Once a month. No spam. Can’t beat that.


Continue reading “Episode 130—Alexandra DiPalma and the Podcast Revolution”

Episode 58—Get 1% Better with Joe Ferraro

Joe Ferraro, Brendan O'Meara
Joe Ferraro is the host of The 1% Better Podcast.

By Brendan O’Meara

Tweetables by Joe Ferraro (@FerraroOnAir):

“We need to be shipping more than worrying about the details.”

“Nothing upsets me more than when someone says, ‘I’m too busy.'”

“You’ll hear young learners say, ‘How did you get so good at that?’ And the answer almost always is practice and reps.”

“I’m still trying to get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

“I’m a person who learns an unbelievable amount by talking things out.”

“Who are the people in your damn neighborhood?”

“The art and science of conversation and interviewing is intoxicating.”

Hey, it’s The Creative Nonfiction Podcast (please leave a review!) where I speak with the world’s best writers, freelancers, interviewers, authors, and documentary filmmakers about why and how they go about creating works of nonfiction and how YOU can apply what they do to your work.

Today’s guest is Joe Ferraro (@FerraroOnAir on Twitter), the fourth Joe I’ve had on the podcast (Joe DePaulo, Joe Drape, Joe Donahue, and now Joe Ferraro). Need a Josephine…anyway…

So who’s Joe Ferraro? He’s a teacher and a learner, but above all he’s a leader. He just started a podcast: The 1% Better Podcast. His tagline is Conversations designed to help you get 1% Better. It’s aimed at gradual, continual, rigorous—though not overwhelming—personal improvement.

“If we’re talking about hard work, it’s about squeezing out more of the day,” says Joe. “Nothing upsets me more than when someone says ‘I’m too busy.’”

Joe talks about his allergy for negative people, finding ways to challenge himself, and how after teaching for 20 years, he feels like his best years are still ahead of him. He’s the type of guy that inspires you to take action. He also talks about how he met his good pal Kevin Wilson, who you may recall from Episode 32.

Be sure to reach out to Joe on Twitter and subscribe to his podcast right away. Whether it’s listening to world class leader Ryan Hawk or how to make the best cold brew coffee, the art of thinking and redefining a restaurant, The 1% Better Podcast will open your eyes to where you can add value to you life and those around you.