Episode 231: Pete Croatto on Listening, Showing His Work, ‘From Hang Time to Prime Time,’ and Adding that Ding

Pete Croatto reading the paper.

By Brendan O’Meara

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Pete Croatto (@petecroatto on Twitter) is here to talk about freelancing, writing, and his new book From Hang Time to Prime Time: Business, Entertainment, and the Birth of the Modern-Day NBA (Atria Books, 2020).

Where’s the juice? Where’s the juice in the enterprise?

The juice is in coming up with an idea and convincing an editor that the idea is worth pursuing, convincing a person, selling a person on that idea. When I get an idea for a story, it’s almost a giddy feeling. It’s a feeling that that you have a secret that no one else knows about, so you want to just tell as many people as you can about that. It’s like gossip, it’s a big piece of juicy gossip, and you want to share it and get it in the right hand.

Pete Croatto from Episode 231 of The Creative Nonfiction Podcast
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Episode 195: Ben Cohen and ‘The Hot Hand’

By Brendan O’Meara

“I know if some one else wrote this book, I would be very envious and jealous and never let myself feel the end of it,” says Ben Cohen, NBA writer for The Wall Street Journal and author of The Hot Hand: The Mystery and the Science Behind Streaks (Custom House, 2020). He’s @bzcohen on Twitter.

This was a fun book, especially if you like Malcolm Gladwell-style books that orbit one idea. This book takes you all over the place, not just basketball, so I think you’ll have a lot of fun with it. If I didn’t already put in the last newsletter, I’ll be sure to include it in the next one.

In any case, don’t forget that we’re putting out our very first audio-mag on the theme: Social Distancing, essays from/on isolation. They must be 2,000 words or fewer (that’s a 15-minute read) and be original work. Email you submission to creative nonfiction podcast at gmail dot com, ya dig?

That’s as good a time as any to say that I’m thinking of all you out there. Some have it pretty rough. I can’t complain. I have shelter, food, clothes and a job (for now) that lets me work from home. And I’ve got this podcast that I get to make for you.

This show only work if you share it hand to hand. Be an Ambassador CNFer and spread what we’re doing around. @CNFPod on all the social platforms.

You can pair this episode with people like Scott Eden or Greg Hanlon.

Other writers mentioned were Michael Lewis and J.R. Moehringer.

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Episode 145—Investigative Reporter Scott Eden Talks Structure, Sprawl, and Picking Up the Phone

Scott Eden , investigative reporter for ESPN the Magazine.

By Brendan O’Meara

“The structure should grow organically from the material.”

“At what point are you taxing the reader, knowing when the reader has had enough.”

“I hated [calling people] at first, just terrified of calling people., but I’ve gotten over it. It took years.” —Scott Eden

Here we are again. Today I welcome Scott Eden, an investigative reporter for ESPN the Magazine. His piece on maligned former NBA referee Tim Donaghy was a piece two years in the making and came out in February.

As you may or may not know, this is The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to badass writers about the art and craft of telling true stories. 

Continue reading “Episode 145—Investigative Reporter Scott Eden Talks Structure, Sprawl, and Picking Up the Phone”