Improve in Public

Bill Watterson’s brilliant and iconic comic, Calvin and Hobbes, is one of the most beautifully drawn and painted comics of all time.

But if you look to the very, very beginning of the comic Watterson’s drawings are raw, they’re minor league compared to where he ends up.

So by showing up, day after day after day, drawing that boy and that tiger and all the other characters that appear in comic over its entire run, they get sharper, cleaner, better.

You see this over and over again. The Far Side, Garfield, Doonesbury, Get Fuzzy. These artists are not fully formed, yet they still did the work and improved in real time in plain sight.

The work will never be perfect and you will never be ready and never be fully formed.

So work, work in plain sight and then notice how you improve. Don’t be stifled by perfection. Work and improve in public.

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