Tweetables from Brin-Jonathan Butler (@brinicio):
“It was completely surreal, like being in the games room of the Titanic after it struck the iceberg. Nobody gave a shit.”
“Obsession has always fascinated me, whether it’s more a dance with your virtues or your demons.”
“Maybe you have to con your ways into finishing a lot of things in life.”
“My worst ideas happen when I’m sitting at the computer. I need to go for a walk, have a cigarette, or play with my cat.”
Hey, hey, it’s The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak with the world’s best artists—leaders in narrative journalism, essay, memoir, radio, and documentary film—and tease our their stories, tips, and tricks and how you can apply those tools to your own work. I’m your host @BrendanOMeara, Brendan O’Meara in real life. Continue reading “Episode 66—Brin-Jonathan Butler on the Risk of Chess, Obsession with Obsessives, and the Blessing of Struggle”