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By Brendan O’Meara
Become a Patron!Harrison Scott Key (@harrisonscottkey) has written three memoirs, and what’s key to them as the narrator is making yourself either the idiot or the villain. In How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told (Avid Reader Press) he was, for a time, the victim of his wife’s affair. But in deftly maneuvering and playing with structure he treats his marriage like a crime novel.
Harrison saves some of the biggest punches for himself as and his wife pieced together the wreckage into something lasting.
Harrison is also the author of The World’s Largest Man and Congratulations, Who Are You Again? He’s masterfully funny and handles the balance between jokes and earnestness with a skill few possess.
Continue reading “Episode 446: Harrison Scott Key and the Plight of Memoir”