By Brendan O’Meara
“It’s always been experience that the inspiration comes while you’re doing [the writing].” —Earl Swift
“The process of being a fly on the wall doesn’t rely on folks forgetting you’re a reporter.” —Earl Swift
Hey, CNFers, welcome back to another show.
This week’s guest is Earl Swift, author of seven books, with his latest being Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Waterman of Vanishing Tangier Island.
But before we get to that, maybe I should let you know what it is we do here at CNF HQ. This is the podcast where I speak to the best artists about the craft of telling true stories: origins, habits, routines, key influences, so you can apply those tools of mastery to your own work.
Continue reading “Episode 118—Earl Swift on Routines, Proportionality, and the Secret to Being a Fly on the Wall”