By Brendan O’Meara
“It’s always been experience that the inspiration comes while you’re doing [the writing].” —Earl Swift
“The process of being a fly on the wall doesn’t rely on folks forgetting you’re a reporter.” —Earl Swift
Hey, CNFers, welcome back to another show.
This week’s guest is Earl Swift, author of seven books, with his latest being Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Waterman of Vanishing Tangier Island.
But before we get to that, maybe I should let you know what it is we do here at CNF HQ. This is the podcast where I speak to the best artists about the craft of telling true stories: origins, habits, routines, key influences, so you can apply those tools of mastery to your own work.
Be sure to subscribe and listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts. And if you dig the show, consider sharing it across your social platforms and perhaps leaving an honest review over on Apple Podcasts.
There’s nobody better in this line of work than Earl Swift. He’s that rare blend of great reporter and brilliant writer. He’s a great example of how great reporting is a prerequisite for the writing.
His work has been nominated for the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize…yeah, those awards, and you get to hear him, rrrrright now….
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Books by Earl Swift
The Big Roads
Where They Lay
Auto Biography
The Tangierman’s Lament
Journey on the James