By Brendan O’Meara
Hey, this is the Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I talk to badass writers (like Mary Karr), filmmakers (like Lisa D’Apolito), and producers (like Scott Neumyer) about the art and craft of telling true stories. I try and unpack their origin stories to see how they became the artists they are. You might even learn a thing or two worth applying to your own work.
I’ve got J. Hope Stein for you today. Her latest book of poetry is titled Little Astronaut and it is about early motherhood. I don’t have nor want children. That is a spouse-approved sentence, and I loved this little book about being a parent. That should tell you something right there.
But first…make sure you subscribe in all the right places and if you’re digging the show, hit me up on Twitter @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod that way we can continue the conversation on social. By all means follow the show on Facebook too and stay right here to sign up for my monthly newsletter. More and more of you are signing up each day. Keep it up, man, let’s build our own social network and subvert the algorithm, rage against the algorithm.
Be forewarned, friend, this interview is unedited. I’m a firm believer in that EVERYTHING benefits from a good edit, but this week has been a ballbuster at the Day Job. I didn’t get to record this interview until Thursday morning. As you know I published on CNFriday, so I’m throwing this up without my usual edit…meaning I had no time to cut out my stupid voice. You’ll just have to deal, thankfully Jen picked up my slack.
J. Hope Stein (@poetrycrush), as she is called, is the author of Occasionally I Remove Your Brain Through Your Nose. Her poems can be found in the The New Yorker (hear her read “Central Maze”), Poetry International, Lenny Letter, In the Shape of a Human Body I am Visitng the Earth: Poems from Far and Wide. She has three pieces in Mike Birbiglia’s The New One, which was on Broadway from Oct. 25 to Jan. 20 and is an additional writer on the show.
So Jen is @poetrycrush on Twitter and you can visit her website jhopestein.wordpress.com to learn more about her and to buy her awesome book.