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This was originally published as Episode 14 on Dec. 6, 2015.
Always nice blow the dust off an older podcast. By virtue of the being older, the snap judgement is that they’re dated. I do go back through and re-edit the paperback podcasts to scrub out what feels dated and keep what’s evergreen.
It helps that, by and large, I try and produce evergreen interviews from the start, but this one had some references to a old job of Glenn’s, which didn’t really fit for 2023.
But what’s left is sure to give you a run for your money, man.
Glenn was the first “big fish” of the run of the podcast. He might laugh at that, but it’s true. I was (slowly) starting to take the podcast more seriously in 2015, and when someone of Glenn’s stature indulges your questions, you’re able to fish in deeper and deeper oceans. It took people like Glenn — who had no clue who I was — to take a chance so that I could then go out for more high-profile people.
As I’ve said time and again, the podcast is like a rock festival. You need headliners like AC/DC, Metallica, U2 to catch people’s attention. Then you skim through the festival poster and see that on Stage 3 some lesser known quantity is playing so why not check them out? Holy shit! I didn’t realize Gojira and Volbeat and The Sword and Skillet kick fucking ass.
And then you parlay your big fish into more big fish, which then helps the emerging talent, mid-listers, and wannabes.
So, I owe Glenn the biggest of thank yous.
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