“I’m never going to let an editor push me off my square in terms of voice.” — Mitchell S. Jackson
Several Pultizer Prize—winners have graced the CNF Pod main stage, and, wow!, we get to add the incomparable Mitchell S. Jackson to the roster. What a thrill to talk to this brilliant writer and thinker.
His accolades are too long to list, but here are a few (for more, visit mitchellsjackson.com).:
- He won the aforementioned Pulitzer Prize for his piece on the murder of Ahmaud Arbery for Runners World titled “Twelve Minutes and a Life,” which we talk about a bit. (Edited by Leah Flickinger)
- He’s a regular writer for Esquire and among his many profiles is this one on Chris Rock, which we talk about a bit.
- His first novel, The Residue Years, was nominated (and won) several “first novel” awards.
- Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family was listed by fifteen different publications as one of their best books of the year in 2019.
- He famously studied with Gordon Lish, which we talk about; and it was Lish who told Mitchell that he could be great. (And, in Lish, fashion, he cut Mitchell out of his life.)
And, damn, he sure is great.
Let’s see … what else? Oh, Mitchell also has graced the TED stage:
Need I go on?
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