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Lana Hall (@curiouslana on … ugh … X) is here! What’s the occasion? She wrote a killer essay for Hazlitt called “We Are All Animals at Night” that riffs on her time working in Toronto’s massage parlor industry juxtaposed against her time at a corporate gig, a quote-unquote good job.
But it’s got levels, man, levels. What I took from it was the honor among people working the night, be it sex workers, cab drivers, or the person behind the counter at 7-Eleven. It’s a wonderful piece and Lana is a brilliant writer.
We talk about how she:
- Finds momentum
- Day jobs
- Subverting the obvious while writing about sex work
- MFA or no?
- And Deadline Dog?
Her work has appeared in The Globe and Mail, Catapult, Hazlitt, and many other places. She’s working on a memoir that stems from this Hazlitt essay. If the essay is any indication, the memoir will be outstanding.
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