If you can turn in clean copy on time, you will be 95% ahead of everybody else.
Jen A. Miller, Ep. 371
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Jen A. Miller (@byJenAMiller) is back with another ebook, Freelance Writing for Laid-Off Journalists (and Those Who Want to Quit).
If Jen is good at anything, it’s breaking down how possible it is to make a nice living as a freelance writer. I mean, I SUCK at it, but that’s not Jen’s fault.
Jen also is the author Running: A Love Story, and a smattering of guidebooks. But she makes her bank for writing for alumni magazines, brands, and the occasional piece for the New York Times and Washington Post. Would she want to be a staffer? Hell, no!
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From the archives — This episode pairs well with:
Jenni Gritters and Wudan Yan
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