Are you holding onto a railing? OK, good, Isaac Fitzgerald (@IsaacFitzgerald) is here, CNFers! He’s the author of the incredible memoir-in-essays Dirtbag, Massachusetts: A Confessional (Bloomsbury).
Isaac is a frequent contributor on The Today Show, offering book recommendations to the masses. His CV has The Rumpus, McSweeney’s, BuzzFeed Books, among others. He’s also the author of How to be a Pirate, Pen and Ink, and Knives and Ink.
He also has an incredible newsletter that you should totally subscribe to only after you’ve subscribed to mine, mkay? It’s called Walk It Off and I wish I had thought of the premise.
This conversation was a blast and Isaac brought it, man, he brought it. We talk about tattoos, beards, writing as collaboration, and what he learned from editing Cheryl Strayed and Roxane Gay while at The Rumpus.
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast, and you can always keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod.
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