This was a fun one. Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling came to play ball, CNFers and I think he’s really going to show you a thing or two.
While working menial jobs, he started writing stories for local papers for $30 and from there slowly leveled up, always pitching, always pitching, until he had stories in The Atavist, The Seattle Times, Weather.com, USA TODAY, and, at last, his incredible book A Libertarian Walks into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears).
You can find him at his website and on Twitter @hh_matt.
I love how Matt talks about his “brute-force method” of pitching, which is what it sounds like: pitch until your arm hangs off, deal with a low batting average, and eventually things will stick.
I think you’re going to dig this conversation a lot and if you do, know that the podcast is fueled by five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts. It’s true.
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