By Brendan O’Meara
Tweetables from Jennifer Goforth Gregory (@ByJenGregory)
“The persistence is the difference.”
“If you don’t follow up, you’re leaving money on the table.”
“We’re not each other’s competition; we’re each other’s colleagues.”
Well, well, well, look what your subscription dragged in. Another episode of The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to the best in narrative journalism, doc film, radio, essay, and memoir about the art and craft of telling true stories so you can better at your own work.
You are subscribed, right? Head over to iTunes/Apple Podcasts and lay it down. We’re also on Spotify! Yeah, that’s right. The whole catalog is over there streaming if that’s your thing. Please leave a rating or review on Apple Podcasts because that’s how we prove to the newcomers that we’re doing something special over here at CNF Pod HQ.
Today’s guest is content marketing writer Jennifer Goforth Gregory, @ByJenGregory on Twitter. What’s especially great about this episode is how Jennifer shows you how you can make six figures writing content for companies. Her book, The Freelance Content Marketing Writer, is a great blueprint for starting to make some scratch with your words.
Maybe you just want to add extra income to the journalism you do, or maybe you can make an entire go of it and make a nice living. Most of us artists tell ourselves the same starving artist narrative and where does that get us? It makes us bitter, resentful, hateful people. You know how I know that? Because I’m a bitter, resentful, and hateful person and I HATE it.
I’m workin’ on it. That’s what this show’s about, it’s me working through some things and I’m glad you’re here for the ride. I know it’s made me a less jealous person, a less resentful person. Not entirely, but certainly better.
Jennifer’s book is like seven bucks on Amazon and it might be the best seven bucks you ever spend. I mean, that seven dollars could turn into $20,000, $50,000, $100,000. I’m not good at math, but I can tell that’s a good ROI.
What else? Is that it? I think that’s it. Like I said, leaving a rating or review and sharing this with a fellow CNFer across your social platforms is super helpful.
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