Special episode this week, CNFers, as we celebrate Matt Tullis and his post-humous book Stories Can Save Us: America’s Best Narrative Journalists Explain How (University of Georgia Press).
It’s a collection of transcripts from Matt’s Gangrey the Podcast that includes a special reported afterward written by Justin Heckert (@justinheckert), one of the key ambassadors of this book.
Justin wrote many memorable stories over the last twenty years like a dude inspired by Jackass, Blockbuster Video, the story of an unused ticket, and many, many more. He wrote a great afterward in Walt Harrington’s Artful Journalism and appeared in The Next Wave: America’s New Generation of Great Literary Journalists (The Sager Group).
The first half of this pod, Justin and I talk about his approach to the work and in the second half we talk about Matt and his book. Great talk.
When Matt died in 2022, I put together a podcast where I interviewed a handful of people about him. That’s a nice companion piece to this.
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