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Did you hear the news? Rachel Krantz (@RachelKrantz) is here to talk about her new book Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-Monogamy (Harmony, 2022).
In this episode we talk about how she turned her reporter’s eye on herself. She had journal entries and recorded conversations with the key characters in this book.
The story chronicles her journey into the world of polyamory (she’s still non-monogamous). But what ensued was a toxic relationship that became manipulative and gaslit. Through it all, Rachel tells a riveting and gutting story.
Rachel also is a fellow plant-based eater, so we talk a little bit about our favorite vegan mac and cheese recipes.
If you care to share, please link up to the show on social media.
A little more about Rachel: Her work has appeared on Vox, the Guardian, the Huffington Post, NPR, the Daily Beast, Vice, and USA Today, just to name a few.
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