It’s been a long time since we featured a writer from the Pipe Wrench Magazine roster, so it was it nice to welcome Emily Fox Kaplan to CNF Pod HQ to talk about her piece “Searching for Zarahemla.”
It’s a trippy travel piece that has a very David Foster Wallace vibe to it, though Emily hasn’t read any DFW. Just as well. Far be it from me to be a the bro to say, ‘You gotta read him.’
But read his tennis writing …
In this episode we talk about a great profile Emily wrote for Guernica about Antonio Sajvin Cumes, a Guatemalan migrant who died of COVID-19 in April 2020. It’s a touching story about the fallacy of the American Dream. It’s a great piece. This essay, also for Guernica, is a sister piece to that profile.
We also talk about her love of Janet Malcolm, Susan Orlean, and Rachel Aviv.
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast, and you can always keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod. Or not … you know what’s better? Keep reading …
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