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Elizabeth Gonzalez James (@unefemmejames) has a chapbook out called Five Conversations About Peter Sellers (Texas Review Press).
Here’s my favorite Peter Sellers scene from one of The Pink Panther movies.
Though Elizabeth’s chapbook makes no mention of The Pink Panther movies, she’s concerned with Sellers’ erratic behavior around the making of Casino Royale (no, not the James Bond reboot starring Daniel Craig). No, this Casino Royale gave inspiration to … Austin Powers.
The essay puts the creative in creative nonfiction as it is the externalized conversation of five internal voices from Elizabeth as she puts Peter Sellers and the making of that version of Casino Royale under her own microscope. It’s a trip.
Elizabeth also wrote the novel Mona at Sea and in 2024 Simon & Schuster will publish her second novel, The Bullet Swallower.
In our conversation, we talk about self-doubt, where the “voices” in her head came from, why was Peter Sellers the vector for her thinking in this essay, how Peter Sellers made her think about her “multi-valent” identities, and the classic move of ass-in-chair.
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