By Brendan O’Meara
“From the rooter to the tooter,” writes Damon Brown in his new book Career Remix: Get the Gig You Want with the Skills You’ve Got (Sterling).
He writes that his southern African American relatives would often get the scraps of the pig, and they’d have to get creative and use everything. I’ll let you connect the dots. What Damon means is, “There is nothing wasted.”
And so we’ve come to his new book about parlaying the skills you’ve got into any gig you want.
This is Damon’s third trip back to the podcast and he always brings it. He’s the author of more than twenty books including Bring Your Worth and The Bite-Sized Entrepreneur.
He’s got a great YouTube show at youtube.com/browndamon. You can find him on Twitter @browndamon and LinkedIn.
Feel like checking out Damon’s other visits? Head here and here.
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