Tell the story from the beginning. Don’t tell it from the end. Tell it from where you were when you didn’t know anything. And that stuck with me.
Christopher McDougall, Ep. 370
Love that Christopher McDougall (@ChrisMcDougall) came back to the pod. You might remember from Ep. 172. Is that right? 198 episodes ago? Can’t believe that.
Chris is the author of Born to Run, Running with Sherman, and the underrated Natural Born Heroes. He, along with running coach Eric Orton, are back with Born to Run 2: The Ultimate Training Guide. It’s published by Knopf.
It’s a beautiful book, full color, very inclusive, with fun, whimsical profiles tackled by Christopher’s signature voice. This is a fun chat with a generous writer and person who offers sound advice and counsel for the writer standing in a puddle of sweat and doubt.
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast, and you can always keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod.
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