Jean Guerrero (@jeanguerre) makes her return to the podcast to talk about her new book Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda (William Morrow, 2020).
She told me:
It’s a whole new world. I remember I was reporting for the Stephen Miller book, I went to Trump’s first reelection rally in Orlando. And it was the first time that I had ever been in a place where I felt reluctant and kind of scared to tell people that I was a journalist. I wasn’t there undercover. I was there to interview people. It made me nervous to be walking around with my notebook out because there were so many chants against journalists.
In this episode we talk about networking as community, or community as networking, blasting through this book in six months, and getting to the bottom of Stephen Miller (Hint: There isn’t much depth.).
Jean was also on the show about two years ago, so you’ll want to check that out.
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